File specifications

Follow the guidelines in this chart to help reduce potential import errors.

Field Name Teacher, Student, or Both Required Valid Data
SavvasUserId Both

Creating new accounts: No

Updating existing accounts: Yes

32 max characters

Generated by Savvas Identity

Must be unique

SavvasSchoolId Both Yes

32 max characters

Generated by Savvas Identity

Found on Schools menu, see OrganizationID

Must be unique

Username Both Yes

128 max characters

Must be globally unique in Savvas Identity

LastName Both Yes 64 max characters
FirstName Both Yes 64 max characters
MiddleName Both No 64 max characters
StudentId Student No

32 max characters

SIS ID used to update existing Savvas accounts to exported SIS data

TeacherId Teacher No

32 max characters

SIS ID used to update existing Savvas accounts to exported SIS data

Password Both Yes

8-32 max characters

Must contain a letter and a number or special character, can't match first name, last name, or username

ConfirmationPassword Both Yes Confirmation password value must match password
Password Reset Both No

True: Require password reset on initial login

False: Password reset not required

Title Both No Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss, Dr., Adjunct, Colonel, Instructor, Lieutenant, Professor
Email Both

Student: No

Teacher: Yes

320 max characters

Must be a standard email format (xxxxx@yyyyy.zzzzz)

Grade Student

Realize: No

SuccessMaker: Yes

IT, PR, PK, TK, KG, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, PS, UG, OTHER


For districts that subscribe to SuccessMaker and include demographic data for student imports, the following chart provides guidelines for each field.

Field Name Teacher, Student, or Both Required Valid Data
Race Student No

1: White

2: Black or African American

3: Asian

4: American Native or Alaskan Native

5: Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

6: Hispanic/Latino

7: Unknown

Ethnicity Student No

H: Hispanic or Latino

NH: Not Hispanic or Latino

Gender Student No

F: Female

M: Male

(Blank): Unspecified

SocioEconomicStatus Student No

E: Economically Disadvantaged

NE: Not Economically Disadvantaged

Disability Student No

Y: Yes

N: No

EnglishProficiency Student No

E: English

ELL: English Language Learner

Migrant Student No

M: Migrant

NM: Not Migrant

SpecialServices Student No

1: 504 Plan

2: Gifted/Talented

3: IEP

4: Other

5: No special services